What’s Your Story?

I was called a “delicate flower” today.  Yep, yours truly.  I throw kettlebells around for fun and give deep tissue massages for a living.  Rarely do I think of myself as delicate, but the comment (from a sweet older gentleman client) was very welcome.  See, my ego is currently recovering from a comment on my “big” arms (courtesy of a different client) last week.  *Note to Future Kristen: Criticism about the appearance of girls who lift weights is another blog post entirely.

Annnyhooooo… I got to thinking about how funny it is that these two gentlemen could look at the same Kristen standing in front of them and see two completely different versions of her.  It was just a reminder that we are all living in slightly different realities.  Our stories.

Each one of us takes information from our environment (things that are seen and heard and felt), then we piece them together and build a window through which we view our world.  No two peoples’ windows are the same.  Once you realize this, it is very freeing – there is no longer a need to attach to the stories of others. 

Case in Point:  I have been called “fat” and “lean” in the same day.  I have been told I “work too hard” and that I “need to work harder.”  I have even gotten into arguments with people over whether my eyes are gray, green, blue, or hazel!  So many stories.  Ultimately, whose story of Kristen is most important?  Kristen’s.  The story I write for myself is the only one that matters to me.  As long as I feel good about the view from my window regarding work, money, relationships, health, my appearance (ahem, my arms), etc., then all is well.

Example:  If the reality is that my pants are tight, there are multiple stories I could tell myself about this fact…

Story A:  Son of a… Damn dryer must have shrunk these things.

Story B:  I am a worthless blob of a human with no self control and am clearly on the trajectory to being on one of those reality TV shows where they have to remove my ROOF to airlift me out of my house and to the hospital for emergency  gastric bypass surgeryohmygodthisisthebeginningoftheendmylifeisoverpasstheicecreampourthewineletsgetitoverwith… *collapses in a heap*

Story C:  Wow, my body sure is efficient!  Guess I’ve got some extra stored energy to work with!  I can skip my daily dose of peanut butter and totally kill it at leg day today.

Food of the Gods

Do you see which stories are useful and which are absolutely NOT?  The super-duper awesomeness of this whole way of thinking is that YOU get to choose which story you tell yourself!  Boom!  POWER!  You can have a good day… or not!

Ok, now that we have that cleared up, let’s continue to examine this concept of stories from a different angle: The stories of others.  We can help what we tell ourselves, but we can’t help what we hear from others  For example, insensitive comments about one’s arms.

Ok, ok, I’ll get over it.  My arms rock.

As a massage therapist, I hear lots of stories from others.  …Annnnnd I have learned to pretty much take them all with a grain of salt.  I’ve heard thirty-seven different versions of the same small-town gossip, each storyteller certain that his/hers is the truth.  I’ve encountered more opinions than I ever care to on politicians running for office.  I hear about all the local, national, and global current events, always presented with a slightly different spin.

One of the best examples of this is people talking about the weather.  Check it out – I have heard all of the following comments about the exact. same. snow:

“Ugh, I am so sick of this snow!”

“Thank goodness for the snow; we need the moisture!”

“I wish it were Spring… I’m ready for warmer weather.”

“We hardly even got a winter at all this year!  I feel gypped.”

“F#$% this snow.  If I hear one more idiot say, ‘We need the moisture,’ I’ma slap that sumbitch.”

“I wish it would snow more!  I have these BA new snow tires!”  <– (me)

Amusing, no?  Same reality: *Snow.*  Multiple stories.

Weather is a rather benign topic, but what about other stories?  Peoples’ personal shit?  Stories about their appearance, relationships, jobs, etc.?

“_____ lost her job.  I knew she couldn’t handle the pressure.”

“_____  and _____ were totally out in public together.  How inappropriate.”

“_____’s put on a few pounds.  He’s sure gotten lazy.”

Those stories, my friends, are not only useless, but can be hurtful and detrimental as well.  I’ll willingly admit: I’ve been that teacher in the teachers’ lounge and that girl in the coffee shop who got caught up in exchanging stories, passing on “information,” and expressing my opinion on things about which I have no clue.  That was all fun and games until I began to hear stories about myself.  When the tables turn, it’s a different feeling.  Kinda crappy.  No, make that reallyhorriblysuperridiculously AWFUL.

*Thank you, Universe, for the lesson.*

It is so so so important to be mindful of the stories you’re hearing and the stories you’re telling.  Now, when I hear gossip/stories?  #1 Rule: I don’t participate or add any of my own.  #2 Rule: I don’t get worked up or emotional over what I hear.  Because it is only someone’s story.

Back to that power thing.  This is huge.  To be so confident and happy with your own story that the stories of others don’t affect you is oh, so empowering.  You get to choose the the plot, the setting, the characters… all the nuances!  What stories are you telling others?  Most importantly, what stories are you telling yourself?

I have one dear, sweet client who has faced multiple cancers, surgeries, other health issues, and tremendous personal loss.  There are many stories she could choose to tell about her reality.  Every week, she walks into my studio with a smile on her face and a hug for me, saying “Life is GOOD!”    <—I don’t know about you, but THAT’s the story I want to tell.

Playing the Blame Game? Time to Fold

Have you guys seen Into the Woods yet?

Magical.  Marvelous.  Meryl Streep.

All that would have been enough for this music nerd, but as an added bonus there were some nice little morals worked into the plot, true fairytale-style.

One part in particular really resonated with me.  Toward the end of the show, all the characters find themselves in a big giant fustercluck- lost in the woods, babies crying, giants on the loose, and lives at stake.  Instead of solving the *major* problem at hand, the characters begin to argue and point fingers, trying to figure out exactly who is to blame for their predicament.  All energy and productivity is focused on bickering and assigning fault.

Out of the forest and into the real world…  Here, too, we want desperately to classify others as good guy/bad guy, villain/hero, and right/wrong when problems come up.  Often, we cast ourselves in the role of helpless victim or innocent bystander, blaming those around us for everything that happens.

It is exhausting to blame others.  Doing so takes us out of our power.  It puts us in the position of having to wait for them to change their ways/admit their faults/apologize/whatever.  And that is a game we will never win. 

Do any of the following thoughts sound familiar?

“I’m overweight because my mom taught me poor eating habits.”

“My life is miserable because my boss is an a-hole.”

“We can’t save money because my husband had to buy that boat.”

Well, those are great stories, but not really all that useful.  Notice how that thinking is very one-sided, leaving me completely powerless to change anything.  If I take no ownership, I will forever be waiting for my problems to be “fixed” by others.  Bummer of an existence dude.  This may come as a surprise to some, but everyone else isn’t sitting around trying to figure out how to fix you or make you happy.  That’s your job.

So, what is the most empowering thing you can do?  Mind your business.  That is, look inside yourself for changes that need to be made and alter the language in your own head:

“I can see where I had a part in _______.”

“I accept responsibility for ______.”

“I will do ________ to fix my situation.”

“This is where I am; what can I do from here?”

Being a powerful person has nothing to do with controlling others and everything to do with taking charge of your own thoughts and actions.

Are you caught up in playing the Blame Game?  Exit quickly and take your power back.  Mind your business only, and let others mind theirs.  As in the movie, I think you’ll find that in the end no single person is to blame for the issues we face in life.  There are no black and white answers or good and evil people.  Just people.  (And maybe giants.)  We all have light and darkness within us and we are all in this together.  I’m at peace when I believe that everyone, at any given moment, is only doing the best they can with what they know.  Life is much easier and more enjoyable when you focus on being your own hero and let others write their stories their way.