Simmer Down Wonder Woman. You’ve Got Things to Do.

“OMG what would I do without you????”  <—…is very predictably the way I end EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION with my accountant.  In case you hadn’t noticed, my brain is a bit more… whimsical? …than my mathematically gifted friend’s.

*pauses to stare at houseplant and daydream for 45 seconds*

Yes, I could force myself to sit down, crunch numbers for hours, and get the job done.  But why the hell would I do that when someone else can do the same thing for me in a matter of minutes?  It’s not about whether or not I would do a good job; it’s about whether or not it’s my passion, my mission, my contribution, my Thing that I have to offer the world.


Taxes are not my Thing.  I need prefer help with those.

“But I just hate asking for help,” says, uh, Every Woman I’ve Ever Met.

Why, though?  Why why why?  (Seriously.  I’m actually asking this.  Because I say it too.)  Why do we all feel the need to be Wonder Woman?  To do it all AND to pull it off with grace and style?  Why not feel free to focus on what we do well and allow others to fill in the cracks?  When I’m running around like a damn fool trying to do my own bookkeeping, cook my own gourmet meals, design my own killer workouts, paint my own toenails, fix my own website issues, or change my own oil (just kidding- I would never even attempt that last one), I come fairly close to losing my mind!  At this point, it becomes necessary to remind myself, “ZOOK!!! You have humans in your life who can help you with each and every one of those things!!!”

“Well, I just don’t like to inconvenience anyone,” is the inevitable next phrase from Every Woman I’ve Ever Met.

Here are my responses to that:

  1. If you are paying someone for their services, you are not an inconvenience.  Hire someone to clean your house, plan your workouts, or design your t-shirts.  It’s their Thing and it’s how they earn their living.  You’re helping each other.
  2. “No.”  It’s a word that other humans are free to use if they can’t or don’t want to help.  Trust that they will use it.
  3. Do you feel good when you are contributing?  Silly question.  Of course you do.  Well guess what?  So does everyone else.  Unless you are dealing with a self-absorbed egomaniac, other humans will be more than happy to lend a hand or share their expertise if they are able.  If they aren’t able, see #2.




We live in a magical system of give and take.  Yet, we find it so difficult to participate.  Maybe it will help to remember that THE WORLD HAS A DEEP HUNGER for whatever that special thing is you have to offer.


…because holy shit that’s powerful.  There is a void you are here to fill.  But you can’t offer your Thing if you’re trying to do everybody else’s Things, right?  In fact, maybe you’ve been so busy trying to do everything you haven’t even had time to figure out what your Thing is yet!  (If that’s the case, much more on that will be coming in the future.)



I love talking to people about muscles and health and stuff.  I love reading and writing.  I love helping people scheme and troubleshoot life’s conundrums.  Those are my Things.  I’m not all that great at doling out hugs, staying organized, choosing stylish outfits, or staying on top of social media.  (And thank the Universe I’m not responsible for raising any children.)  But I’m not worried about not doing it all, because I am surrounded by mind-blowingly gifted and capable individuals (ahem, YOU) who are more than able to pick up the slack.  

Thanks everyone, for making my world magical.  Really.  What would I do without you?



Posts In Which I Have Said the Exact Same Thing Using Different Words:

Why Competition is a Waste of Time, Talent, and Energy

Go Ahead, Show Off!  (3 Reasons You NEED to Share Your Talents)


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